Now Trading: Loomis Sayles Global Equity Fund (Quoted Managed Fund) ASX:LSGE Find out more

View Your Investment

View your investment on the Client Portal.

To request access to the Client Portal, please complete the Change of Details Form.

Financial advisers can request access by emailing Please provide your full name, practice name, licensee, email address, and mobile phone number. The email address must be an individual email address and not a group or administration email.

Additional Investment

An additional investment may be made at any time. The minimum additional investment amount is A$5,000.

Additional Investment Form


For additional investments, complete the Additional Investment Form. We will also accept a completed Application Form or a written instruction.

Additional application requests and cleared application monies must be received before 4:00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on a Business Day in Sydney, Australia to be processed with the unit price calculated for that Business Day. A buy/sell spread will apply. Additional application requests can be sent by mail or by fax to 1300 714 616.

PDS and Other Forms

Download a copy of our PDS

Read our Investment Guide

To change your contact details, complete the Change of Details Form.

To make a redemption, complete the Redemption Form.

Continuous Disclosure & Regulatory Notices

Click here for details.

Unitholders right to receive documents

There are several options for how unitholders of the Fund can receive communications from the RE.

Receiving your unitholder communications electronically is the best way to stay informed, we encourage you to make the switch to paperless communications and provide us with your email address. To make the change, please complete the relevant sections in the Change of Details Form.

Unitholders can make an election on how they would like to receive certain documents including annual reports and documents related to unitholder meetings (for example notices of meeting and proxy/voting forms) as follows:

  1. Unitholders can make a standing election to receive the documents in physical or electronic form;
  2. Unitholders can make a one-off request to receive a document in physical or electronic form; or
  3. Unitholders can tell us if you do not want to receive a copy of the Annual Report (and any other documents prescribed by the relevant regulations).

To elect to receive your Unitholder communications via email, please complete the relevant sections in the Change of Details Form.

If you are a Unitholder and would like a physical copy of a communication, need further information about the options available to you or have questions about your investment, please contact us.


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Loomis Sayles marketing in Australia is distributed by Natixis Investment Managers, a related entity. Your subscriber details are being collected on behalf of Loomis, Sayles & Company, and Investors Mutual Limited (the RE for Fund) by Natixis Investment Managers Australia. Please refer to our Privacy Policy. Natixis Investment Managers Australia Pty Limited (ABN 60 088 786 289) (AFSL No. 246830) is authorised to provide financial services to wholesale clients and to provide only general financial product advice to retail clients.